Thursday, January 24, 2008

Stars Use Hypnosis to Stop Smoking.

Tuesday on Oprah Ben Affleck talked about how he and Matt Damen stopped smoking using hypnosis.
Hypnosis is the number one technique stars use to stop smoking.
Ellen used it on her show recently to stop smoking. Ellen even had the hypnotist come on her show and do part of it on air.
Why do the stars pick hypnosis when they need to kick the habit.
Because it works that is why. They understand the need to work with the subconscious mind in dealing with habits and addictions.
Great Job Ben and Oprah for helping more people understand that hypnosis works when dealing the smoking habit.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Liesl Anderson to Meet the Mayor Tom Hughes

Robin Hart ( my office partner) and I receiving a proclamation for World Hypnotism Day from Mayor Tom Hughes In Hillsboro, Oregon. World Hypnotism Day is celebrated all over the world and now will it acknowledged in our little town.

I am the one who is blinking at just wrong time. To bad you don't really get a second chance holding up a city council meeting so Liesl can get her picture right. ;o)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

10 Secrets to Succeeding at New Years Resolutions: Success at Last.

10 Secrets to Succeeding at New Year Resolutions:
Success at last.

If you apply these 10 secrets to your New Years Resolution or any other goals you will find greater success. Your results will be easier and longer lasting with out all the struggle and disappointment.
When your conscious and sub-conscious mind is aligned with the same goal success is natural.

Pick a resolution YOU really want. Make sure you are invested 100% in this goal. If you are doing it for your wife/husband, kids or boss you will find it more difficult. Motivation runs out fast when it is not really what YOU wanted in the first place.
Write it down and put it where you can see it with a date to accomplish the goal. Be realistic.
Break it down in little steps. Make it easy for yourself.
Create a positive affirmation stated in the future as if you have already accomplished it. An example would be: “ I weight 130lbs. I love exercising and my body is healthy and strong. I eat healthy meals and enjoy my food.” State this affirmation each day at least one time.
Consider using techniques that help you identify and release any resistance you might have in your sub-conscious mind to achieving your goal. When we fail at a goal that we really want we usually have some sub-conscious resistance to achieving the goal. An example might be: If you wanted to stop smoking on the conscious level but your sub-conscious mind wanted to hang onto the habit to manage stress in your life in a familiar way. If the sub-conscious was not brought on board with the goal then the change will not happen. Some techniques that can help change sub-conscious sabotage are: Hypnosis, Rapid Eye Technology & Emotional Freedom Techniques.
Reward yourself for any movement in the direction of your goal. Find something that you really want or enjoy and reward yourself with it when you hit big bench marks but remember to reward yourself daily with something smaller each day you move in the right direction.
If you slip backwards do not give up. Forgive yourself and ask yourself what might be blocking you and if you need to adjust your goal or change the date of accomplishment. Be realistic with yourself about what you can accomplish in the time given.
In list a friend or coach to help keep you on task and focused. There is safety in numbers. It is great if you have someone who is trying to accomplish the same goal that you can lean on in time of need. If you know someone is waiting for example at the gym to workout with you then you are a lot more likely to follow through. But you can choose someone who is not working toward the same goal but can be a good support in the way you need it. Make sure your personalities match with your motivation style. Do you need a gentle style or a more rigid style of motivation?
Determine how you are personally motivated. People are either motivated towards something positive or away from something negative. About 70% of us are motivated away from the negative. Find out how you are motivated and use that to your advantage. If you are motivated by positive then really make a big deal of the positive you will receive when you accomplish the goal. If you are motivated by negative then emphasize the negative. However as you move toward the positive rewards of the goal then start to switch your emphasis towards the rewards of the goal and away from the negative of not accomplishing the goal. An example would be if you wanted to lose weight the negative would want to get away from the health problems and the way you look. But as you move closer to the goal start to focus more on how wonderful you are feeling and looking.
See yourself already there. Take 10 minutes each day to close your eyes and see your goal already achieved. Feel what it feels like to be successful. Involve all of your senses in this imagery. If your sub-conscious mind can see you there and feels good about it you will succeed.

Liesl Anderson C.H.t, RET, EFT