Monday, February 25, 2008

Leaving The Past Behind

Weekly Affirmation:
Leaving The Past Behind.

I honor my past
I forgive my past
I am ready now to let go of the past
I am learning the lessons I need to learn and moving on
I am feeling my power and strength in the present
I am choosing my path according to my true self
I am looking foward to a positive future that I am creating now with my present.
I ready to live a positive and succesful life today.

If you know EFT you can tap along while saying this affirmation at least once daily. If you want to learn more about EFT

Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Cycle of Thought and Creation

"Cycle of Thought
Consider the cycle of creation each thought goes through as it passes through the realms of mental, emotional and physical developement.
The spirit body contains the power that creates our exsitance and all things we percieve in it. It's a little like electricity in that we fail to percieve it until we notice its effects. We call these perceptual awarenesses "miracles" because we fail to detect how normal they are. The spirit body is the source of all power and creative force or the life force we experience in this dimension.
Our Mental body is the directive body. The job of the mental facility is to make choices. It is the home of our ego and as such has the capability to view itself as the source of power, the creative force. Unlike the spirit body that enjoys all experiences, the mental body is concerned with our level of physical and emotional safety. The mental body thinks it's job is to protect us and defend us from potential attack. Nevertheless, the true function of the mental body is to direct energy.
The emotional body performs the necessary work of focusing our directed energy into the physical demension. How we feel about our choice will largely determine the form in which it will manifest. Many of us find our lives confused and jumbled because we are unable to focus our emotions due to our past traumas and limiting beliefs. "
Take from The Skills For Life Manual from Rapid Eye.
"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him"
Aldous Huxley

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Weekly Affirmation

I have decided to add a weekly affirmation to my blog. Today is the first one.

" I choose to accept and create success in my life. I open myself up to the many ways I can experience success in my life. I let go of any and all self-limiting beliefs and thoughts I might have about myself and life quickly and comfortablly."

Repeat this affirmation at least one time daily. If you are familiar with EFT you can tap while repeating.

In order to make affirmations the most powerful we must release negative beliefs and thoughts at the same time. Then the postitive naturally slips in the place that the negative use to be. If we are not releasing the negative beliefs and thoughts positive affirmations can help us but not as quickly or easily.

If you do not already know EFT then you can learn more about it at:


Liesl Anderson