Monday, February 16, 2009


"Perception and Criticism

We are on our life's journey. It is unnecessary to reuse and regenerate old lessons or thoughts and perceptions. We can create new tools that serve us better.
If we call ourselves negative things, our mind and body will honor that. It will send the signal out through our bodies to create what we have thought and said. If we want positive to expand in our lives, we must speak it, think it and act it.
We can choose to stay focused on what we are for, or what we are against. It is impossible to teach by criticism because criticism focuses on what is not or areas that are lacking. Only by love, firmness, acceptance, and seeing the good in others can we see the good in ourselves.
Consider for a moment that we are already perfect, just as we were created. We must do nothing more to become so . What we require, however, is to become aware of our perfection. This is a matter of a perception change, or, in other words, a paradigm shift to viewing things in a different way than perhaps we have ever done before.
It's fun to practice and see our perfection. Each time we overcome, release and forgive, we become stronger and improve our ability to imagine ourselves as perfect and joyful. It is our birthright as humans to be joyful.
If we wish to grow and heal, it means self transformation will happened on all four levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Choosing to rid ourselves of our obsolete conditioning is the first step.
Desire is the first and most important ingredient to healing. People who really want growth and freedom from pain come into a RET session eager to let the past go. They make their growth and healing a priority. What is put into this effort come back compounded.
Once we have experienced growth we will discover that we are unwilling and unable to go back. We will continue the process of broadening perceptions, and eventually perceive beyond our normal sensory parameters. "

"We can greatly facilitate our own growth by avoiding attachments to our flawed perceptions and letting go of addictive behaviours based upon those perceptions.
By quieting the mind we can emancipate ourselves from our habits. People often perceive this to difficult to remain in our painful habits once we rid ourselves of our conditioning because positive , whole, unconditional love is our natural, spiritual state. "
Taken from the RET Life Skills Manual.

Monday, February 9, 2009

" Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him" Aldous Huxley

Cause And Effect

"Newton discovered the law of cause and effect: in other words that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. We only get back if we put out. If we plant tomatoes, we don't reap thistles. It is important to remind ourselves that this principle affects everything we do, every experience we have.
We can't beat the law. Our physical health, our mental health, our business success and our personal relationships are each governed by the same equation which requires us to "pay up front". The fascinating thing about the law is that we never know quite when we will be rewarded; when we will receive the dividends on our time and effort. But the rewards always come and the uncertainty of their time of arrival only serves to make life more exciting.
In addiction, what we have in our life at the moment is a result of sowing we have been doing until now. If we currently enjoy warm friendships and loving relationships, it is because we have prepared the ground and planted the seed. If our business is currently flowering, it is because we've expended the effort to get the results.
If we talk about others, we'll be talked about. If we speak well of others, they will speak well of us. If we rip people off then we will be ripped off. If we rejoice in the success of others, we will be more likely to enjoy success ourselves. If we tell lies, we will be told lies. If we criticize, we will be criticized. If we love, we will in turn receive love."
Life Skills Manual from Rapid Eye Technology

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Philosopher's Answer

Here is a great parable to demonstrate the principle of perception.

The Philosophers Answer

The story is told of a philosopher who stood at the gate of an ancient city greeting travelers as they entered. One of them questioned him: "What kind of people live in your city?"
The philosopher met the question with a counter question: "What kind of people lived in the city from whence you came?"
"Oh they were very bad people." Answered the traveler. "Cruel, deceitful, devil worshipping."
"That is the kind of people who live in this city,," declared the philosopher.
Another traveler came by and asked the same question, to which the philosopher replied:"What kind of people lived in the city from whence you came?"
"OH they were very good people, answered the second traveler, kind and truthful, and God loving."
The philosopher replied, "That's the kind of people who live in this city."

Perception is, in a nutshell, our beliefs based on our experience. The way we perceive the present day world is based on how our world has been in the past, and the meanings we put on those experiences are based on that perception.

There is no right or wrong in perception. Perception simply is! It is made up of either illusion or reality. Illusion is defined as anything that is temporary in nature, that was thought up by man, and had a perception placed on it. When two people agree on this illusion, it then becomes their reality.

Perception can make whatever picture the mind desires. This is especially important to remember in the way we perceive others.
When ever we judge anyone negatively, we are really judging those aspects in ourselves. It is impossible to see something in someone else unless we perceive it in ourselves on some level of experience. "What we resists persist"

Perception is a mirror not a fact. What we look at is our state of mind, reflected outward.

Taken from the Rapid Eye Life Skills Manual.