Lately I have been educating myself more in the technique of NLP. I finding it very fascinating and powerful in changing the automatic thoughts and responses in our unconscious mind. I have been receiving some free email from a website called It has some great videos on it and he sends you some email "lessons" along with it. I have not taken his training and have no benefit in recommending him just have really been enjoying what I have been learning from him. Simple to understand and apply. If you have been curious about NLP this is a good simple place to start. He is a little quirky..... however I find it charming. Hope you do to. :)
All 3 techniques that I use have at least a hint of NLP in them. However I was mostly just following those techniques and wanted to understand more about the technique that is interwoven in hypnosis, EFT and Rapid Eye.
Happy Holidays to everyone!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am sending out my gratitude for all the wonderful things in my life. For my wonderful family and friends as you are the meaning of life. Let us all take from Thanksgiving a commitment to be more aware for the next year of the good in our life. To consciously send our energy to the things we wish to experience with deep emotion and faith.
Blessing and light to all!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Optimism or Pessimism: Which one do you choose?

This blogs ideas will be taken from a book called Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Change Your Life. By Martin E. P. Seligman , Ph.D.
I highly recommend this book if you like deep clinical type books. It is taking me longer to read than most because it is so clinical. He does do a great job of bringing you in on it though.
Anyway on to the ideas.
It has been a great learning experience for me. I have always thought of myself as pretty optimistic however I have become aware of the pessimism I still hold onto in parts of my life.
In the book Dr Seligman talks about ways to identify whether you hold pessimistic view or optimistic. He has identified 3 different ways that we explain how things happen to us. By looking at these 3 different ways of explaining what happens to us we can identify whether we hold an optimistic or pessimistic view on life.
The 3 things he uses are:
1. Personalization
2. Pervasiveness
3. Permanence
The idea is that if when you explain why an event happened how you explain the why of the event you take the event personal ( I caused it), see it as global ( this ALWAYS happens) and/or it seems permanent to you then you are looking through the glasses of pessimism.
If you see it as caused by outside forces, as specific to that situation or as temporary then you are looking from an optimistic view.
Studies that Dr Seligman sited showed that pessimistic thinking eventually led to depression in people. His belief is that depression can be lessened by becoming conscious of our "explanatory style" and change it to be more optimistic.
EFT lends well to his theory so far. EFT can be used to release and let go of some of the beliefs he talks about in the book. If you find that you are frequently evaluating, either with others or with your self talk things as permanent, personal or global then it is time to change those thoughts to more positive thinking. I have found that the negative thoughts come from negative beliefs about your self that were started long before the present issue.
I will take a basic idea and show you how you could tap on the personal aspect:
This assumes you know the basic tapping of EFT.
If you want to learn more about EFT you can visit the link at the bottom of the post.
Starting on the Karate Chop Point:
Even though I feel like everything is my fault and blame myself, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I was taught to blame myself for things that just happen, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I have this habit of thinking I am bad when something bad happens, I deeply completely love and accept myself.
It must be my fault cause it happened to me
Side of eye:
I feel like most things are my fault
Under eye:
I must of done something wrong or something bad would not of happened
Under nose:
I was taught to blame myself
Under Mouth:
I feel guilty all the time
Collar bone:
I can't believe it is not my fault
Under arm:
It has to someones fault
Top head:
so it must be my fault
2nd round
Karate Chop:
I choose to begin to accept that not everything I feel guilty about is my fault
It may be possible that I have been taking more responsibility then I need to
I know someone taught me to blame myself but maybe that might not be the truth
Eye brow:
Yes it is important to take responsibility for what I do
Side of the eye:
But I don't need to blame myself for little things that just happen
Under Eye:
I can just learn from the experience without placing blame '
Under nose:
or taking on guilt
Under mouth:
I cannot possibly be completely responsible for every thing that happens to me.
Under Arm:
Other people may sometimes have responsibility for their actions that affect me
Top of head:
So I choose to 2nd guess whether I really was to blame or if I need to take responsibility for what happened.
Karate Chop:
I am letting go of the my blame and guilt pattern now!
Repeat this last phrase 3 times on Karate Chop.
Take 3 deep breaths preferably with your eyes closed and check in with how true it sounds that you are responsible for most everything that happens to you.
Repeat this tapping sequence as needed to relieve blame and guilt patterns.
You could do a similar sequence with the feeling of things being permanent.
Happy Tapping,
Liesl Anderson
To learn more about EFT Visit
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Importance of Emotion

" Emotion is a very powerful creative force in this dimension. When you feel something emotionally, you will create a situation or condition to warrant it. The abundance of this universe is directed by emotion rather than by your ego. Emotion is thought forms that are felt. Energy follows that energy; and it does so in abundance. Perhaps this is why your affirmations might be in effective at times - you focus insufficient emotional energy on them or you negate them with "nots" or some other negating verbiage.
How do you feel about what you want in your life? How do you feel about what you do not want in your life? As you focus your energy on what you do want, with emotion , it will tend to manifest. "
Taken from Skills for Life Teachers Manual
By focusing on what you do not want in life you increase the chances of experiencing the negative thing you are trying to avoid.
You can use EFT to tap on the negative side of affirmations and reframe in positive wording and energy.
Here is an example of how to use EFT.
Tapping on Karate chop point repeat 3 times:
Even though I really don't want _____________________ to happen I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Then tap on the body points repeating the main idea of what you don't want:
EB: I really really don't want _______________ to happen
SE: I am scared __________________ is going to happen
UE: I don't know what I would do if ___________________ happened
UN: I am doing everything I can to avoid ___________________ happening
Chin: I really am afraid _____________________ is going to happen
CB: I need to keep on guard and aware so that _________________________________ doesn't happen
UA: I need to avoid ___________________ at all cost
TH: I am focusing all my energy on ______________________ so it does not happen
Positive Reframe:
Karate chop point:
I choose now to see that by thinking about and creating feelings of fear about ______________________ happening I may be inviting it in through my energy
If I want ________________________ to not happen maybe I can think of the positive opposite of that and choose to focus on that.
If I wanted to avoid darkness in my life I would focus on creating light to relieve the darkness.
Tap on the body points as you repeat these reframes:
I choose to attract _____________________ ( positive opposite) into my life
I will do what I can to create ____________________ in my life
I am letting go of my need to focus on the negative side of what I want and don't want
I am understanding that by focusing with great emotion on light it will chase away the darkness in my life.
Tap on the body points while repeating these reframes as many times as you like.
Remember to put a lot of emotion into the tapping on both sides.. the releasing and reframing.
Sometimes it helps to picture in your mind the positive thing you wish to happen with a lot of details. To add sounds, sights, smells and touch help to make it more real to your mind and energy system.
You can learn more about EFT at:
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