" Perceptions form the basis of our opinions, our position in an argument, the quality of our relationships, our feelings, and even our quality of life. Just because we experience the world in a certain way does not mean the world actually exists that way. Paying attention to our perceptions is instrumental in making positive life changes. By perceiving our experiences differently, we tend to think, feel and do things differently." Life Skill Work Book
This concept changed my life more then any other one in the Life Skills Work Book. I remember the day the light turned on in my head with the idea.... I may not of always seen things the way they really were. That was crazy almost impossible for me to believe. I was always right. How could I possibly be wrong. How could I see others as I believed there were and not how they really were??? As hard as it was it was the most meaningful and life changing concept. I started to look around me and be curious about how things might be different then how I thought they were before. Maybe others were not feeling and thinking the way I thought they were. Maybe I was wrong sometimes and maybe the world did not revolve around my beliefs and feelings. What an idea! This concept led to much more patience with others and life inside of me. It was a change from the inside out. I am still practicing to view things from a neutral view instead of already judging in my head before things play out all the way. I also have learned to listen to others without forming a response in my head so I can truly hear what they have to say. When I teach this concept to a group I use sunglasses of varying darkness to help them see how there beliefs and feelings taint there ability to see what is really there. Through the glasses they cannot see the true color of an orange or apple. Each person will see a slightly different color depending on the tint of their glasses. They have to remove the glasses ( their beliefs and feelings) to see the true color of the fruit or anything else. Everything is tinted with the glasses on.
I challenge you to discover what negative beliefs and feelings you might be viewing the world through and start to challenge the truth of those beliefs and feelings. As you question it, the hold it has on your life will loosen and it will soon be as if you have removed your glasses and are seeing the world as it truly exists for the first time.
You have a new world to discover both inside and outside of yourself.
Get to it! :)