I have taken a little break from my blog but have found some time to start focusing on this important thing again. I choose today the topic of gratitude as we are entering the month of November and the holiday season. We typically look at our lives and our families at this time finding that which we are thankful for. I would like to share a quote from the Rapid Eye Life Skills Manual about shifting our view of negative past events into some form of gratitude.
" It is impossible to change the events of the past. We can however, change the way we feel about those events. Those people who seemed to bring us pain and hardship were our teachers presenting us with challenges that helped us to grow."
The past holds for most of us painful and difficult events. Our growth and healing comes when we are able to grow out of the pain and suffering and learn the lessons those challenges have to teach us. When we shift our reaction to the past then our present becomes free to create positive instead of negative from the past. We then release the power the past has on us. We step into our own power in the present and become awake and aware of our true potential and life path. Grateful for the lessons learned and looking forward to the future.
If you are ready to let go of some of your past make a list of the events you would like to let go of and use EFT on each of those events and all of the aspects of those events. In your EFT add in a statement of gratitude for the lessons learned and the opportunity to let go of the negative feelings and beliefs from this event.
You can learn more about EFT at : www.emofree.com
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