The forth principle of the life skills is Cause and Effect.
"The principle or cause and effect is known by many cultures and by many names. It is called Karma, "what goes around comes around", " The Law of the Harvest", or "as a man soweth , so shall he reap." The concept is the same, regardless of the name. It is cause and effect.
Consider the cycle of creation each thought goes through as it passes through the realms of mental, emotional, and physical development."
"The spirit body contains the power that creates our existence and all things we perceive in it. It's a little like electricity in that we fail to perceive it until we notice its effects. We call these perceptual awareness "miracles" because we fail to detect how normal they are. The spirit body is the source of all power and creative force, or life force, we experience here in this dimension. Our mental body is the directive body. The job of the mental facility is to make choices. It is the home of our ego and as such has the capability to view itself as the source of power, the creative force. Unlike the spirit body that enjoys all experiences, the mental body is concerned with our level of physical and emotional safety. It feels like it is it's job to protect us and defend us from potential attack. Nevertheless, the true function of the mental body is to direct energy.
The emotional body performs the necessary work of focusing our directed energy into the physical dimension. How you feel about your choice will largely determine the form in which it will manifest. Many of us find our lives so mysteriously confused and jumbled because we are unable to focus our emotions due to our past traumas and limiting beliefs.
Our physical body is, in a word, obedient. The entire physical dimension is designed to be obedient to our desires. When the body "dies" we become starkly aware of the weakness of the physical body when it is vacated by the other bodies.
So it is that your spirit provides the power; your mental body directs that energy; your emotional body focuses your energy into this dimension and an effect is then produced in the physical. This is the trail of cause and effect. In other words, you are the cause as well as the effect. "
" Energy flows out of our bodies like a signal or wave length from a radio or TV station. Each of us emits a very precise signal. Everyone and everything in our environment picks up these signals. However, only those who are on the same wave length respond to them, as only those radios and TV sets that are tuned to a particular station or channel will pick up the signal of the station or channel.
The result is that we attract into our lives those people and those circumstances which are in alignment with the energy signals we emit. If we are emitting signals of anger, we attract people and circumstances that bring anger into our lives. If we admit signals of happiness, we attract happiness into our lives. It is that simple. And it works that way all of the time, with no exceptions." Taken from Life Skills Manual RET
I think of this principle like the sail boat in the picture. It is at the mercy of the wind but if it sets it sail and chooses to take responsibility for the direction of the sail it will have a completely different results then if it just becomes a vicitim of the wind by not learning which way it to set the sail. It can experiment just like us. Making one choice and then see where it takes it. If it does not like the "effect" it can choose again. Sometimes we learn purely by trail and error but we can also watch how others do things and what result they get and make our choices based on the results they get. Take minute to think about your life. What do you seem to be attracting and seems to keep coming around again and again. If you notice a pattern take responsibility for your part and change " your sail" or choice to get a different effect. Try it and see what you think.