This is a picture of me in front of my old college apartment complex. This summer I took a trip back to my old college town 24yrs later. It was a very eye opening experience for me. It left me thinking deeply about how I believed my life would be by the time I hit my 40's and how my life is now. I can look back and see very specific choices I made along the way to get me where I am now in my life at 43. I continue to make choices daily to either keep me where I am or move in a different direction. Most of my choices were made with some consciousness but I was mostly unaware of unconscious beliefs that deeply influenced my choices, both for the good and bad.
The 3rd Life Skills Principle is Choice and Accountability, after Thought and Perception.
" Every new moment and every situation provides a new choice--an opportunity to do things differently and produce even better results,. Even though the answers are within us regarding most life situations, we tend to ignore what we know. we distrust our intuition and even set aside our own values. The result is more of the same-history is repeated, all for the sake of safety or familiarity."
" Every new situation offers us the opportunity to choose. By identifying when we are a point of choice (being conscious), and doing our own healing work, we position ourselves to influence the nature of the results and grow in the process.
When we find ourselves at point of choice, we can do one of two things:
1. We can REACT and drop down into our patten.
2. We can RESPOND and experience the learning."
" In a pattern cycle, our automatic, unconscious behaviors position us to react rather than respond to current situations. As a result, history and old behaviors, repeat. When we are in teh reactive or automatic mode, problems are placed "out there". We tell ourselves we are victims of others' actions. As long as we blame others, we remain ignorant about our contribution to the problem or what we can do to bring our a better result."
"Moving Beyond the Pattern
When we accept responsibility for choosing our response to life, we are empowered. We experience a new sense of freedom, growth, and energy. We move out of our comfort zone and begin stretching. We begin making a positive difference in our life.
Letting go of the past habits and patterns requires awareness, commitment, and risk taking. The following strategies can assist you:
*Teach yourself to "stop" then choose. Tap into your inner Wisdom. The answers are within.
* Determine what you want to create in your life; and set your intention (write down specifically - behaviorally).
* Clarify your values and principles
* Share your intention with a confident and ask for assistance and periodic feedback related to behavioral progress.
* Journal your experiences in choosing. Your journal can be an important resource in tracking your progress. "
Taken from The Rapid Eye Technology Life Skills Manual
If you are brave enough, take a look at your life and notice patterns of choices you make that get you results you don't want. Then be willing to step out and feel uncomfortable for a moment to try on a new choice and see where that choice takes you.
Get ready for a shift!
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