The 5th principle in the Life Skills is Abundance and Gratitude. The theme is very fitting as we approach Thanksgiving here in America.
" The universe operates on the principle that you always receive in abundance what you believe in or want. The law is in constant operation despite our level of understanding. For you to master abundance, you must be willing, fully and freely, to express yourself and your talents. To recognize abundance in your life, be willing to recognize that it is always available. Remove the blocks and open yourself to receive it.
Abundance is always focused into supporting your emotional state. If you think negative thoughts, beliefs or fears, the universe supplies you with experience in abundance to support them. Begin to notice the abundance you have. By noticing what you lack, you attract an abundance of scarcity.
So focus on what you like: friends, health, food, clothes, freedom, whatever it is you want in your life. The universe will always give you whatever you ask for. Since what you think about expands, you will receive even more. If you choose to think about lack, you will have an abundance of lack!
Noticing your abundance is how you put gratitude in to action to direct your abundance. The universe is much like you. If you were to give a gift to someone and they consistently pushed it away or acted like they were disinterested or unappreciative, you might get the idea that they were displeased with the gift and you might then send another gift or stop sending the original gift to the them. This is the basic understanding of gratitude. "
" Often it feels that life is a struggle. That is because of the way you have been taught to live goes directly against the way the universe works. Have you ever said something like this to yourself: I could be a really great musician if I only had a recording contract/ You may believe that you can't be something until you have the trappings that show that you are that something. According to Wally Minto, the universe works like this:
Spiritual Mental/Emotional Physical
Being Doing Having
Rather than this:
Physical Mental/Emotional Spiritual
Having Doing Being
When you feel that you must have something before you can do something before you can be something, life becomes a struggle. So much time is spent trying to have, you never get to be. The flow of the universe would have you first think of yourself as being a musician, then you would be able to perform as a musician, then you would have the things that a great musician would have. "
This month let's all practice this principle of having faith that there is enough in the world for everyone and being grateful for the things we do have in our lives that are wonderful and healthy. Turn your emotional energy to those things and watch miracles unfold.
Happy Fall Everyone!
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