You know the old saying " Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". That is a great saying when talking about others words toward you. However.. when we are talking about our own words to ourselves this is not a good mantra to follow. When we notice the words coming out of our own mouths it can help us discover what we believe about ourselves and the world around us. When listening to ourselves we can look for words like ... of course, I can't, never, always, should, I am, you are, people are, relationships are and many other black and white thinking that we notice.
Once we have noticed the negative we can begin to change our words to reflect what we would like to experience in stead. Through your words you can tear yourself down or build yourself up.
" The Power of Words
What you say is what you get. As our thoughts affect our circumstances, so do the words we say. Our words build our attitude and they determine what we will attract and experience.
When we get serious about being happy, we stand guard over our mouth. We choose to speak positively about ourselves and avoid running ourselves (and others) down. This is not to pretend that we are perfect, but is a part of realizing that you can't feel good about yourself by grizzling about yourself, your job, your friends and family and everyone else about you.
A fellow once said, " I 'm tired of being miserable and depressed. I'm tired of being a burden to my family. I want to be happy! How do I do it?" The first thing you can do is to open your mouth only when you have something positive and constructive to say. You will appreciate the change and so will your family! It is very simple.
When anybody has really, really had enough of being miserable, they change their attitude. They change the way they talk. It takes discipline, it takes effort, but it its still very simple. To discipline what we allow ourselves to think and say requires us to be different from the crowd. Excellence always does.
Some may adopt the attitude; " I'll do anything to be happier so long as I don't have to change anything about myself. "
Taken from Advanced Life Skills
Our thoughts, beliefs and words are ours alone. We have all the power and responsibility for what is in our mind and what comes out of our mouths. Often times we just pick up stuff as we go along in life and don't really notice the way we talk and how it influences our lives and what we attract into our lives. Personal responsibility is one of the keys to happiness and that can begin with what you allow yourself to say about you and the world around you. I challenge you to begin paying more attention to what is coming out of your mouth. Is it lifting you and others up? Is it feeding positive beliefs and feelings? Is it allowing growth and change? If not switch it up to something helpful instead and notice the difference. When someone really wants to change but is finding some resistance using EFT or Rapid Eye may help them to let go of whatever it is that is holding them back from moving in a more positive direction.
Hope you all are having a happy and productive summer.
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