Monday, December 12, 2011

Belief + Feelings = Emotions

" Emotions are simply a belief plus a feeling. Sometimes people have a difficult time identifying their emotions or expressing them in a clear effective manner. Some may have used mood altering drugs to hide from painful emotions. Still others may attempt to show false emotions to gain some real or imagined advantage over people around them.
In the majority of cases, problems with feelings originated at an early age. People may have grown up in emotionally unhealthy families. As children they may have been abandoned in physical ways, such as being left alone, given inadequate food, clothing or shelter or been beaten or sexually abused. They may have suffered from emotional abandonment by being expected to meet unrealistic expectations and being verbally attacked for coming up short. Their feelings of trauma may have gotten trapped.
The Consequence is that people with troubled childhoods often have a difficult time recognizing and expressing their emotions."
RET Life Skills Manual

According to the Sadonna method we do 3 things with our feelings. We stuff them, feed them or release them. When I read this I looked back on my life. I felt this fit what I had done with my feelings. I was a feeder for the most part though there were times I stuffed too. I rarely released my feelings. One way I could tell is my past feelings/emotions kept getting triggered. My way of feeding was talking about them and trying to find others who would get on my train of pity and judgement. I would look for people who would tell me I was right to feel this way and the other person was totally wrong. When I read the Life Skills Manual I had a awakening. I remember the day and place I reliezed I was not seeing present life clearly but through all the beliefs and feelings I had about my past. If I had been in a movie they would of put a light bulb above my head as I understood this concept. My feelings had been a result of my beliefs and had clouded my vision and judgement of myself and others in my life. This was a big pill for me to swallow. I had always believed myself to be right in most things about emotional health. I was somewhat educated through counseling, life and school. How could it be that I had missed this concept all together? My negative beliefs and feelings were not being released and therefore not allowing me to see myself or others as we truly were and could be. That was 6 yrs ago. I am still on the road and find that once in a while I get stuck in place and have to dig myself out to move forward in my growing and learning. That is why I am so passionate about sharing the teachings in the Life Skills Manual. I hope one day that these concept will touch another person as they did me. That they will be awakened to the idea that they have power in their lives through their thoughts and beliefs. That the negative beliefs and feelings that create their lives currently can be released. Then they are free to create their life on purpose with power to choose the direction. There are so many ways to learn to release our beliefs and feelings. The one that worked the best for me are the ones I use in my practice with clients. EFT and Rapid eye have changed my life in every way. I encourage you to learn about these techniques and be open to letting them help you to create peace and happiness in your life.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Universe is a Zucchini Plant.

The Universe is a Zucchini Plant??? What could that possibly mean???
If you have ever planted a zucchini plant you know that for one seed or plant you get many, many, many zucchini's that will produce for a long time. In fact most people are trying to give away their zucchini's by the end of the season. They have made many wonderful things with them like zucchini bread, pudding, casseroles and much more. They may of even put some of it away in the freezer for the winter. From one zucchini you could save enough seeds to plant a whole field of zucchini and soon your whole community could have more food then they could use. The same is true of sticker plants. They spread and over produce in your yard if allowed. In fact if you till them in instead of removing them they actually will come back worse. Which would you rather have something that produces food and meets you some of your needs 0r something that pricks you each time you get near it???
Most of us would pick the food option I am sure.
Well what does this have to do with the universe? Lets think about the principles of cause and effect and abundance. Cause and effect says that whatever we put out in to the universe/our world comes back to us and the principle of abundance says it comes back multiplied. We put thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions out into the world every second of every day. We never stop planting seeds in the our life. Some seeds grow easier then others and most we are unaware of. We become very automatic in our planting of seeds ( thoughts, words, and deeds) over time. Maybe we were taught to speak in a negative way or believe the worst of others through our families. Or maybe we had a few negative experiences and so we developed a belief about life centered around those experiences and ignored the positive experiences. Where ever they came from they are our seeds and we are responsible for planting them. It is true others can abuse us and treat us badly and it takes a bit of time to decide which seeds we want to take from that experience. Do we want the sticker bushes or the zucchini?
If we are unhappy with our life experience it is time to look at what seeds we are planting and do what we can to change the seeds to something that we want more of. If we are feeling anger then spend time around those who love us and learn to send love back to them. If we are feeling fear find situations where we feel courageous and feed those. The idea is to find the opposite of what we don't want to experience and create that in our lives.
Sometimes we need help from others to deeply release the negative beliefs that create the feelings that are planting the sticker bushes in our lives. EFT and Rapid Eye are very powerful tools to help people let go of old beliefs and the negative experiences they have created in their lives. You are in charge of your garden/life. Become aware and plant it well for an abundant crop.