The Universe is a Zucchini Plant??? What could that possibly mean???
If you have ever planted a zucchini plant you know that for one seed or plant you get many, many, many zucchini's that will produce for a long time. In fact most people are trying to give away their zucchini's by the end of the season. They have made many wonderful things with them like zucchini bread, pudding, casseroles and much more. They may of even put some of it away in the freezer for the winter. From one zucchini you could save enough seeds to plant a whole field of zucchini and soon your whole community could have more food then they could use. The same is true of sticker plants. They spread and over produce in your yard if allowed. In fact if you till them in instead of removing them they actually will come back worse. Which would you rather have something that produces food and meets you some of your needs 0r something that pricks you each time you get near it???
Most of us would pick the food option I am sure.
Well what does this have to do with the universe? Lets think about the principles of cause and effect and abundance. Cause and effect says that whatever we put out in to the universe/our world comes back to us and the principle of abundance says it comes back multiplied. We put thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions out into the world every second of every day. We never stop planting seeds in the our life. Some seeds grow easier then others and most we are unaware of. We become very automatic in our planting of seeds ( thoughts, words, and deeds) over time. Maybe we were taught to speak in a negative way or believe the worst of others through our families. Or maybe we had a few negative experiences and so we developed a belief about life centered around those experiences and ignored the positive experiences. Where ever they came from they are our seeds and we are responsible for planting them. It is true others can abuse us and treat us badly and it takes a bit of time to decide which seeds we want to take from that experience. Do we want the sticker bushes or the zucchini?
If we are unhappy with our life experience it is time to look at what seeds we are planting and do what we can to change the seeds to something that we want more of. If we are feeling anger then spend time around those who love us and learn to send love back to them. If we are feeling fear find situations where we feel courageous and feed those. The idea is to find the opposite of what we don't want to experience and create that in our lives.
Sometimes we need help from others to deeply release the negative beliefs that create the feelings that are planting the sticker bushes in our lives. EFT and Rapid Eye are very powerful tools to help people let go of old beliefs and the negative experiences they have created in their lives. You are in charge of your garden/life. Become aware and plant it well for an abundant crop.
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