Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This a great exercise to do on any situation from our past.
Begin by thinking of a situation that you may regret or have resentment around. Now take a deep breath and let your mind be creative and wander.. let it come up with 5 positive things that came from this situation. Some of the positives might be lessons you learned or the strength and wisdom you gained on the other side of it. Now write these positive outcomes on a piece of paper. Begin to allow your focus on this event, in everyday life,  to change to the positive things you got out of it, replacing your old story about how horrible it was. It will take time but if we are willing to change our story in our head then we can find the negative emotions and beliefs of the past start to fade away. We still remember the event and all the lessons learned but the pain is removed. If you find to much resistant to find anything positive then doing a round of EFT tapping may release enough that you can be open to the positive.

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