Monday, November 22, 2010

Health and Healing: Mind, Body,Spirit

" Many of us have neglected the physical aspects of our body. Most who choose to enter into a therapeutic situation are undergoing great stresses. To assist yourself or anyone else; the physical must receive care as well as our emotional, mental & spiritual aspects. The idea that energy follows thought becomes readily apparent in the study of the Principle of Health and Healing.
Stated simply; you direct your mind; the mind directs the body.
Recently the field of psychosomatic medicine has experienced growth and acceptance as more people have become aware of the mind/body connection. This knowledge states that many or most of our troubles manifesting themselves as physical symptoms have their origin in mental or emotional stresses. Yes, stress is part of everyday life. Burning the supper, living with divorce, hosting a party, receiving a promotion, the vacation, losing a child, or living alone.... stress is a fact of life.
Stress can become very destructive. It can turn into "distress." It can gnaw away at you and sap your energy over the months and years. Distress can also come from less traumatic events, such as fighting with a loved one, expecting too much of yourself, turning every little set back into a crisis or sacrificing sleep to add a few minutes to your work day. We all have personal distress signals ( i.e. nausea, headaches, sweaty palms, agitation) .
Once your personal distress signals let you know that the stress in your life needs attention, the management decisions are up to you. Stress management doesn't mean getting rid of all stress. Rather, it means making thoughtful choices about which stress to keep and which to let go."
Taken from Life Skills Manual RET

EFT, Rapid Eye and Hypnosis can help you learn how to release and let go of traumatic stress and every day stress. All three are natural ways of helping the body learn how to manage beliefs and feelings in a positive way.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Be Do Have. Abundance and Gratitude

The 5th principle in the Life Skills is Abundance and Gratitude. The theme is very fitting as we approach Thanksgiving here in America.
" The universe operates on the principle that you always receive in abundance what you believe in or want. The law is in constant operation despite our level of understanding. For you to master abundance, you must be willing, fully and freely, to express yourself and your talents. To recognize abundance in your life, be willing to recognize that it is always available. Remove the blocks and open yourself to receive it.

Abundance is always focused into supporting your emotional state. If you think negative thoughts, beliefs or fears, the universe supplies you with experience in abundance to support them. Begin to notice the abundance you have. By noticing what you lack, you attract an abundance of scarcity.

So focus on what you like: friends, health, food, clothes, freedom, whatever it is you want in your life. The universe will always give you whatever you ask for. Since what you think about expands, you will receive even more. If you choose to think about lack, you will have an abundance of lack!

Noticing your abundance is how you put gratitude in to action to direct your abundance. The universe is much like you. If you were to give a gift to someone and they consistently pushed it away or acted like they were disinterested or unappreciative, you might get the idea that they were displeased with the gift and you might then send another gift or stop sending the original gift to the them. This is the basic understanding of gratitude. "

" Often it feels that life is a struggle. That is because of the way you have been taught to live goes directly against the way the universe works. Have you ever said something like this to yourself: I could be a really great musician if I only had a recording contract/ You may believe that you can't be something until you have the trappings that show that you are that something. According to Wally Minto, the universe works like this:

Spiritual Mental/Emotional Physical
Being Doing Having

Rather than this:
Physical Mental/Emotional Spiritual
Having Doing Being

When you feel that you must have something before you can do something before you can be something, life becomes a struggle. So much time is spent trying to have, you never get to be. The flow of the universe would have you first think of yourself as being a musician, then you would be able to perform as a musician, then you would have the things that a great musician would have. "

This month let's all practice this principle of having faith that there is enough in the world for everyone and being grateful for the things we do have in our lives that are wonderful and healthy. Turn your emotional energy to those things and watch miracles unfold.

Happy Fall Everyone!

Monday, October 18, 2010

What is the Cause and What is the Effect?

The forth principle of the life skills is Cause and Effect.
"The principle or cause and effect is known by many cultures and by many names. It is called Karma, "what goes around comes around", " The Law of the Harvest", or "as a man soweth , so shall he reap." The concept is the same, regardless of the name. It is cause and effect.
Consider the cycle of creation each thought goes through as it passes through the realms of mental, emotional, and physical development."
"The spirit body contains the power that creates our existence and all things we perceive in it. It's a little like electricity in that we fail to perceive it until we notice its effects. We call these perceptual awareness "miracles" because we fail to detect how normal they are. The spirit body is the source of all power and creative force, or life force, we experience here in this dimension. Our mental body is the directive body. The job of the mental facility is to make choices. It is the home of our ego and as such has the capability to view itself as the source of power, the creative force. Unlike the spirit body that enjoys all experiences, the mental body is concerned with our level of physical and emotional safety. It feels like it is it's job to protect us and defend us from potential attack. Nevertheless, the true function of the mental body is to direct energy.
The emotional body performs the necessary work of focusing our directed energy into the physical dimension. How you feel about your choice will largely determine the form in which it will manifest. Many of us find our lives so mysteriously confused and jumbled because we are unable to focus our emotions due to our past traumas and limiting beliefs.
Our physical body is, in a word, obedient. The entire physical dimension is designed to be obedient to our desires. When the body "dies" we become starkly aware of the weakness of the physical body when it is vacated by the other bodies.
So it is that your spirit provides the power; your mental body directs that energy; your emotional body focuses your energy into this dimension and an effect is then produced in the physical. This is the trail of cause and effect. In other words, you are the cause as well as the effect. "
" Energy flows out of our bodies like a signal or wave length from a radio or TV station. Each of us emits a very precise signal. Everyone and everything in our environment picks up these signals. However, only those who are on the same wave length respond to them, as only those radios and TV sets that are tuned to a particular station or channel will pick up the signal of the station or channel.
The result is that we attract into our lives those people and those circumstances which are in alignment with the energy signals we emit. If we are emitting signals of anger, we attract people and circumstances that bring anger into our lives. If we admit signals of happiness, we attract happiness into our lives. It is that simple. And it works that way all of the time, with no exceptions." Taken from Life Skills Manual RET
I think of this principle like the sail boat in the picture. It is at the mercy of the wind but if it sets it sail and chooses to take responsibility for the direction of the sail it will have a completely different results then if it just becomes a vicitim of the wind by not learning which way it to set the sail. It can experiment just like us. Making one choice and then see where it takes it. If it does not like the "effect" it can choose again. Sometimes we learn purely by trail and error but we can also watch how others do things and what result they get and make our choices based on the results they get. Take minute to think about your life. What do you seem to be attracting and seems to keep coming around again and again. If you notice a pattern take responsibility for your part and change " your sail" or choice to get a different effect. Try it and see what you think.

Monday, October 4, 2010

We Are a Product or Our Choices Not Our Circumstances

This is a picture of me in front of my old college apartment complex. This summer I took a trip back to my old college town 24yrs later. It was a very eye opening experience for me. It left me thinking deeply about how I believed my life would be by the time I hit my 40's and how my life is now. I can look back and see very specific choices I made along the way to get me where I am now in my life at 43. I continue to make choices daily to either keep me where I am or move in a different direction. Most of my choices were made with some consciousness but I was mostly unaware of unconscious beliefs that deeply influenced my choices, both for the good and bad.

The 3rd Life Skills Principle is Choice and Accountability, after Thought and Perception.
" Every new moment and every situation provides a new choice--an opportunity to do things differently and produce even better results,. Even though the answers are within us regarding most life situations, we tend to ignore what we know. we distrust our intuition and even set aside our own values. The result is more of the same-history is repeated, all for the sake of safety or familiarity."
" Every new situation offers us the opportunity to choose. By identifying when we are a point of choice (being conscious), and doing our own healing work, we position ourselves to influence the nature of the results and grow in the process.

When we find ourselves at point of choice, we can do one of two things:

1. We can REACT and drop down into our patten.
2. We can RESPOND and experience the learning."

" In a pattern cycle, our automatic, unconscious behaviors position us to react rather than respond to current situations. As a result, history and old behaviors, repeat. When we are in teh reactive or automatic mode, problems are placed "out there". We tell ourselves we are victims of others' actions. As long as we blame others, we remain ignorant about our contribution to the problem or what we can do to bring our a better result."

"Moving Beyond the Pattern
When we accept responsibility for choosing our response to life, we are empowered. We experience a new sense of freedom, growth, and energy. We move out of our comfort zone and begin stretching. We begin making a positive difference in our life.

Letting go of the past habits and patterns requires awareness, commitment, and risk taking. The following strategies can assist you:

*Teach yourself to "stop" then choose. Tap into your inner Wisdom. The answers are within.

* Determine what you want to create in your life; and set your intention (write down specifically - behaviorally).

* Clarify your values and principles

* Share your intention with a confident and ask for assistance and periodic feedback related to behavioral progress.

* Journal your experiences in choosing. Your journal can be an important resource in tracking your progress. "
Taken from The Rapid Eye Technology Life Skills Manual

If you are brave enough, take a look at your life and notice patterns of choices you make that get you results you don't want. Then be willing to step out and feel uncomfortable for a moment to try on a new choice and see where that choice takes you.

Get ready for a shift!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Perception: The Truth Changes Depending on Where YOU are Standing.

" Perception is our beliefs based on our experience. The way we perceive our present-day world is based on how our world has been perceived in the past, and the meanings we put on those experiences are based on that perception.
There is no right or wrong in perception. Perception simply "is"! It is made up of illusion and reality. Illusion is defined as anything that is temporary in nature, that was thought up by man, and had a perception placed on it. When two or more people agree on this illusion, it then becomes their reality.
Perception can make whatever picture the mind desires. This is especially important to remember in the way you perceive others. Whenever we judge anyone, we are really judging those aspects in our self."
" We are influenced more by what we think is so than what actually is so. Our perceptions of reality do more to govern our behavior than reality itself. When we learn to pay attention, we create the opportunity to switch from reacting to acting. "
" Perceptions form the basis of our opinions, our position in an argument, the quality of our relationships, our feelings, and even our quality of life. Just because we experience the world in a certain way does not mean the world actually exists that way. Paying attention to our perceptions is instrumental in making positive life changes. By perceiving our experiences differently, we tend to think, feel and do things differently."
" disagreements between individuals occur as each relies on his or her own perceptions of reality while locking out other options.
Experience results from our perceptions, which are filtered through such factors as our history, culture, values, desire, education, and awareness. Given our perceptions and filtering system, we begin to have a clearer understanding of why people struggle with understanding reality.
Changing perspective, or viewing the (situation) from a different view, enables us to discover something that now appears strikingly obvious. "Reframing" is the process of viewing the same situation from different perspectives and can be a powerful tool for enhancing awareness. Life experiences, whether at work or home, present many reframing opportunities.
We can discover a whole new world when we are open to the learning. When we are willing to move off our position, and be receptive to viewing things from a different perspective, our perception of our world will be different."

When studied and accepted this is the most powerful principle. Nothing has changed my life for the better then the principle that everything I see may not be as I see. I have learned to say often. I could be wrong and then look for the others person perspective and beliefs in the situation.
Practice this week noticing your perceptions and beliefs about the situation and then step back and find another truth.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Principle 1 : The Power of Thought. Choose a Direction

There are 7 principles to help you understand and apply the Law of Attraction. The first of these 7 is the principle of thought and how it directs our lives.

Think for a moment. Everything starts with a thought. Your home was first a thought in someone's mind. Your car started out in the mind of a designer or engineer. Everything that exists in the present moment was first a thought.
Thinking is a creative force. We are always thinking. There is never a second when we are otherwise engaged. Even in sleep or unconsciousness we are thinking; muscles require sleep, yet thought processes require no rest.
Some thoughts create corporeally, others die in the realm of thought. Some thoughts are meant to be created in our world and others are meant to remain thoughts only. Our thoughts reside in a realm that is free of the limitations of this world; that is, we are free to think anything we wish, we can also choose what you will think.
We control our reality by controlling our thoughts. Our world is exactly as we have created it. Dr. Deepak Chopra refers to the space between each thought as " The realm of infinite possibilities."
All thoughts are creative. "
" The principle of thought is; all thought is creative. We are creating our world at this very instant. It is precisely as we think it is, and the moment we take responsibility for our world will be the moment we take control of our world!"
" Thought is the principle that puts all other principles in motion. Nothing happens without thought.
All our worries, woes, troubles, enemies, poverty, and griefs have all been created by us. Though we may point the finger of blame ( projection) at someone else, we are doing the thinking in our own world. Perhaps it is time we took responsibility for our thoughts and change our thinking!"
" We can start by realizing that our thoughts are free. We may think any thought we want to think at any point in time. We can choose to imagine our world as perfect, just the way we want it to be: safe, exciting, challenging, successful, warm, comfortable, peaceful, full of friends and loved ones. We can, if we wish, think of our enemy as a friend in our thoughts. We can see our marriage as perfect in our thoughts.
We can imagine getting a raise, driving a new car, buying a new house, or boat. We can imagine anything - without limits. We can choose to imagine life as we would like it to be and than practice focusing our thoughts on that image. Act as if or "Be" the part.
To focus thoughts, remember that all thoughts are energy. Energy vibrates at various leves of intensity and frequency. Spiritual thought vibrates at a much higher frequency than does temporal, earthly, three-dimensional energy. In order for us to slow spiritual thought frequency down to manifest into our three-dimensional world, we must hold the thought until it manifest.
As we put energy focus into the thought, it becomes manifest in our three - dimensional world of substance. Most of the time, however, we send out thought vibrations in many directions at once, negating the effect of focusing. Therefore, our desired thoughts never take form in this dimension and we feel frustrated. You are probably familiar with the feeling of working hard at something just to see it fall apart. Maybe it was a relationship or a project at work. It seems, at times, no matter what the work is or how hard we work, our expected outcome will fail to manifest.
Traumatic memories are something else that can stand in the way of focusing thought. When positive thoughts are negated with traumas, the result is frustration. It is possible, however, to clear out the traumatic memories in the realm of thought...
The RET process works in the realm of thought. We work with the thoughts, rather than corporeal reality. RET is another way to clear neural distortions.
Truth is positive. Truth is forgiveness and love. It is knowing we are loved and worthwhile. We can free ourselves of the bonds of guilt and fear, see our great worth, let go of guilt and learn to control our thoughts. When we identify with the power of our own thoughts, there is nothing we are unable to do, no obstacles we will be unable to overcome. Faith is this power. It can literally move mountains in thought and in our lives. If we fail to change our thinking, the mountains remain. "
RET Life Skills Manual

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My past does not decided my futrue, I do!

Here are some great I am to focus on. You can just say them out loud, write them down or tap and blink while saying them each day.

Thank you God,
I am whole
I trust consistently
I do what is good for me
I do it when I feel it is appropriate
My best is wonderful
Anyone's best is wonderful
I enjoy life
I keep my dreams
I am happy
I am letting go of old non serving old perceptions
I am balanced
I am relaxed
I am energized
I set priorities
I am patient and consistent
I trust God
I handle tings
Thank you God,
I a make the choice to grow
I am the co-creator of my life
My past does not control my future, I do
I am perfect just as God created me
I am God's special gift to the world
I am interdependent
I am loved and wanted
I am good enough
I am allowing everyone their beliefs
I am forgiving
I am a loveable person
I love myself
Thank you God,
I approve fully of myself and others
I take responsibility to create my life
I have the power to give up my obsession of perfection
I am true to myself
I am allowing
I am non-judgmental
I am perfect as God created me
I am that I am

Choose at least 5 of these but no more than 10 to repeat for 30 days. Adding tapping and blinking will help to reframe them in your energy system.
Happy Tapping!

Monday, May 17, 2010


What we can learn from the children. Lets all get in front of our mirrors every day with this little girl energy and affirm ourselves and everything around us!!!

Watch this little girl!

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Power of Belief

" A human mind can be the world's most powerful instruments because it is hooked to a universal mind! By using our mind in the way we consciously choose to think, we can learn to create our own world at our command. As we change our mind, our behavior will change and so will our reality, and our world.
Because the mind is a source of all of our experiences, we can always trace our life experiences back to a pattern of thinking or belief. Defining beliefs is easy.
A belief is a thought in the conscious mind, reinforced by imagination, emotion and duration.
A belief is supported by creating a strongly held thought. It starts life as a thought, then we invest it with feelings or repetition over a period of time and it becomes a belief. So, it's basic components are thought and feelings.
To maintain a belief we need validation of it from our world. We will draw to us all sorts of proof that our beliefs are real, stopping at nothing to create illusion of truth and fact.
What we believe, we have. What we believe, we act. What we believe, we say. What we believe, we hear. What we believe we are."

This was taken from Rapid Eye Technology Life Skills Manual. Nothing has changed my emotional health more then the principles taught in the Life Skills Manual.
You can down load it at:

Keep Blinking!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

How To Love Yourself

Here are 10 suggestions for creating self acceptance and self love.

"1. STOP ALL CRITICISM. Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.

2. SWITCH SCARING YOURSELF TO LOVING YOURSELF. Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. It's a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasant thought.

3. BE GENTLE AND KIND AND PATIENT. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved.

4. BE KIND TO YOUR MIND. Self hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change your thoughts.

5. PRAISE YOURSELF. Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with even little things.

6. SUPPORT YOURSELF. Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.

7. BE LOVING TO YOUR NEGATIVES. Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs. So lovingly release the old negative patterns.

8. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY. Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality. Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and revere the temple you live in.

9. MIRROR WORK. Look into your own eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself looking into the mirror. Talk to your parents looking in the mirror. Forgive them too. At least once a day say: I love you, I really Love you.

10. LOVE YOURSELF. Do it now. Don't wait until you get well, or lose the weight, or get the new job, or the new relationship. Begin now - and do the best you can."

Taken from Rapid Eye Life Skills Manual