Monday, December 12, 2011
Belief + Feelings = Emotions
" Emotions are simply a belief plus a feeling. Sometimes people have a difficult time identifying their emotions or expressing them in a clear effective manner. Some may have used mood altering drugs to hide from painful emotions. Still others may attempt to show false emotions to gain some real or imagined advantage over people around them.
In the majority of cases, problems with feelings originated at an early age. People may have grown up in emotionally unhealthy families. As children they may have been abandoned in physical ways, such as being left alone, given inadequate food, clothing or shelter or been beaten or sexually abused. They may have suffered from emotional abandonment by being expected to meet unrealistic expectations and being verbally attacked for coming up short. Their feelings of trauma may have gotten trapped.
The Consequence is that people with troubled childhoods often have a difficult time recognizing and expressing their emotions."
RET Life Skills Manual
According to the Sadonna method we do 3 things with our feelings. We stuff them, feed them or release them. When I read this I looked back on my life. I felt this fit what I had done with my feelings. I was a feeder for the most part though there were times I stuffed too. I rarely released my feelings. One way I could tell is my past feelings/emotions kept getting triggered. My way of feeding was talking about them and trying to find others who would get on my train of pity and judgement. I would look for people who would tell me I was right to feel this way and the other person was totally wrong. When I read the Life Skills Manual I had a awakening. I remember the day and place I reliezed I was not seeing present life clearly but through all the beliefs and feelings I had about my past. If I had been in a movie they would of put a light bulb above my head as I understood this concept. My feelings had been a result of my beliefs and had clouded my vision and judgement of myself and others in my life. This was a big pill for me to swallow. I had always believed myself to be right in most things about emotional health. I was somewhat educated through counseling, life and school. How could it be that I had missed this concept all together? My negative beliefs and feelings were not being released and therefore not allowing me to see myself or others as we truly were and could be. That was 6 yrs ago. I am still on the road and find that once in a while I get stuck in place and have to dig myself out to move forward in my growing and learning. That is why I am so passionate about sharing the teachings in the Life Skills Manual. I hope one day that these concept will touch another person as they did me. That they will be awakened to the idea that they have power in their lives through their thoughts and beliefs. That the negative beliefs and feelings that create their lives currently can be released. Then they are free to create their life on purpose with power to choose the direction. There are so many ways to learn to release our beliefs and feelings. The one that worked the best for me are the ones I use in my practice with clients. EFT and Rapid eye have changed my life in every way. I encourage you to learn about these techniques and be open to letting them help you to create peace and happiness in your life.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Universe is a Zucchini Plant.
The Universe is a Zucchini Plant??? What could that possibly mean???
If you have ever planted a zucchini plant you know that for one seed or plant you get many, many, many zucchini's that will produce for a long time. In fact most people are trying to give away their zucchini's by the end of the season. They have made many wonderful things with them like zucchini bread, pudding, casseroles and much more. They may of even put some of it away in the freezer for the winter. From one zucchini you could save enough seeds to plant a whole field of zucchini and soon your whole community could have more food then they could use. The same is true of sticker plants. They spread and over produce in your yard if allowed. In fact if you till them in instead of removing them they actually will come back worse. Which would you rather have something that produces food and meets you some of your needs 0r something that pricks you each time you get near it???
Most of us would pick the food option I am sure.
Well what does this have to do with the universe? Lets think about the principles of cause and effect and abundance. Cause and effect says that whatever we put out in to the universe/our world comes back to us and the principle of abundance says it comes back multiplied. We put thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions out into the world every second of every day. We never stop planting seeds in the our life. Some seeds grow easier then others and most we are unaware of. We become very automatic in our planting of seeds ( thoughts, words, and deeds) over time. Maybe we were taught to speak in a negative way or believe the worst of others through our families. Or maybe we had a few negative experiences and so we developed a belief about life centered around those experiences and ignored the positive experiences. Where ever they came from they are our seeds and we are responsible for planting them. It is true others can abuse us and treat us badly and it takes a bit of time to decide which seeds we want to take from that experience. Do we want the sticker bushes or the zucchini?
If we are unhappy with our life experience it is time to look at what seeds we are planting and do what we can to change the seeds to something that we want more of. If we are feeling anger then spend time around those who love us and learn to send love back to them. If we are feeling fear find situations where we feel courageous and feed those. The idea is to find the opposite of what we don't want to experience and create that in our lives.
Sometimes we need help from others to deeply release the negative beliefs that create the feelings that are planting the sticker bushes in our lives. EFT and Rapid Eye are very powerful tools to help people let go of old beliefs and the negative experiences they have created in their lives. You are in charge of your garden/life. Become aware and plant it well for an abundant crop.
Monday, August 22, 2011
What is Real?
" Perceptions form the basis of our opinions, our position in an argument, the quality of our relationships, our feelings, and even our quality of life. Just because we experience the world in a certain way does not mean the world actually exists that way. Paying attention to our perceptions is instrumental in making positive life changes. By perceiving our experiences differently, we tend to think, feel and do things differently." Life Skill Work Book
This concept changed my life more then any other one in the Life Skills Work Book. I remember the day the light turned on in my head with the idea.... I may not of always seen things the way they really were. That was crazy almost impossible for me to believe. I was always right. How could I possibly be wrong. How could I see others as I believed there were and not how they really were??? As hard as it was it was the most meaningful and life changing concept. I started to look around me and be curious about how things might be different then how I thought they were before. Maybe others were not feeling and thinking the way I thought they were. Maybe I was wrong sometimes and maybe the world did not revolve around my beliefs and feelings. What an idea! This concept led to much more patience with others and life inside of me. It was a change from the inside out. I am still practicing to view things from a neutral view instead of already judging in my head before things play out all the way. I also have learned to listen to others without forming a response in my head so I can truly hear what they have to say. When I teach this concept to a group I use sunglasses of varying darkness to help them see how there beliefs and feelings taint there ability to see what is really there. Through the glasses they cannot see the true color of an orange or apple. Each person will see a slightly different color depending on the tint of their glasses. They have to remove the glasses ( their beliefs and feelings) to see the true color of the fruit or anything else. Everything is tinted with the glasses on.
I challenge you to discover what negative beliefs and feelings you might be viewing the world through and start to challenge the truth of those beliefs and feelings. As you question it, the hold it has on your life will loosen and it will soon be as if you have removed your glasses and are seeing the world as it truly exists for the first time.
You have a new world to discover both inside and outside of yourself.
Get to it! :)
Monday, August 8, 2011
The Truth About Beauty and Yourself
Today I am sharing a blog from another women who is learning to let go of the lies of others and believe in her own true beauty.
Weeding out the lies about beauty.
Weeding out the lies about beauty.
Monday, July 11, 2011
What is your emotional and vibrational direction?
Here is a great video on how we can start to consciously change our emotional and vibrational direction. It is about 15 minutes but well worth the time.
The forking Off Process
Now ask yourself am I aware of the direction I am creating in my life? Would I like it to be different?
EFT and Rapid Eye are some of the most powerful tools to help us change our emotional and vibrational direction in life. You can truly let of the old way of reacting and choose a new direction to manifest a new experience in life.
Next time you are in a negative place practice this idea of being present and forking just little towards the positive emotional response and see if it does not bring you more comfortable experience.
The forking Off Process
Now ask yourself am I aware of the direction I am creating in my life? Would I like it to be different?
EFT and Rapid Eye are some of the most powerful tools to help us change our emotional and vibrational direction in life. You can truly let of the old way of reacting and choose a new direction to manifest a new experience in life.
Next time you are in a negative place practice this idea of being present and forking just little towards the positive emotional response and see if it does not bring you more comfortable experience.
Monday, June 20, 2011
What is That Coming Out of Your Mouth???
You know the old saying " Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". That is a great saying when talking about others words toward you. However.. when we are talking about our own words to ourselves this is not a good mantra to follow. When we notice the words coming out of our own mouths it can help us discover what we believe about ourselves and the world around us. When listening to ourselves we can look for words like ... of course, I can't, never, always, should, I am, you are, people are, relationships are and many other black and white thinking that we notice.
Once we have noticed the negative we can begin to change our words to reflect what we would like to experience in stead. Through your words you can tear yourself down or build yourself up.
" The Power of Words
What you say is what you get. As our thoughts affect our circumstances, so do the words we say. Our words build our attitude and they determine what we will attract and experience.
When we get serious about being happy, we stand guard over our mouth. We choose to speak positively about ourselves and avoid running ourselves (and others) down. This is not to pretend that we are perfect, but is a part of realizing that you can't feel good about yourself by grizzling about yourself, your job, your friends and family and everyone else about you.
A fellow once said, " I 'm tired of being miserable and depressed. I'm tired of being a burden to my family. I want to be happy! How do I do it?" The first thing you can do is to open your mouth only when you have something positive and constructive to say. You will appreciate the change and so will your family! It is very simple.
When anybody has really, really had enough of being miserable, they change their attitude. They change the way they talk. It takes discipline, it takes effort, but it its still very simple. To discipline what we allow ourselves to think and say requires us to be different from the crowd. Excellence always does.
Some may adopt the attitude; " I'll do anything to be happier so long as I don't have to change anything about myself. "
Taken from Advanced Life Skills
Our thoughts, beliefs and words are ours alone. We have all the power and responsibility for what is in our mind and what comes out of our mouths. Often times we just pick up stuff as we go along in life and don't really notice the way we talk and how it influences our lives and what we attract into our lives. Personal responsibility is one of the keys to happiness and that can begin with what you allow yourself to say about you and the world around you. I challenge you to begin paying more attention to what is coming out of your mouth. Is it lifting you and others up? Is it feeding positive beliefs and feelings? Is it allowing growth and change? If not switch it up to something helpful instead and notice the difference. When someone really wants to change but is finding some resistance using EFT or Rapid Eye may help them to let go of whatever it is that is holding them back from moving in a more positive direction.
Hope you all are having a happy and productive summer.
Monday, May 2, 2011
10 Negatives Then 1 Positive. Words Affect Our Personal Power.
10 negatives then 1 positive. How many of us express ourselves this way? I have been very aware in my own home how my children interact with each other lately. It is amazing what you notice when you sit back and watch life around you unfold. I have 5 children and 3 are still under 18 and at home. As I have watched them lately I have noticed that the contention between them seems to have increased lately. Maybe it is all of them being either teenagers or close or something else. Whatever it is I have noticed that they say several negative things that are completely unnecessary each and every day. I rarely hear anything at this time positive come out of their mouths. Many times the statement is to point out how wrong someone is and why they are right. I myself try to speak positivity to them when interacting so this trend is really surprising and upsetting me. It makes our home a place that feels unhappy and defensive. However I did notice the other day while driving somewhere with my husband that we both were critical of each other. Each of us feeling defensive and needing to be right. Now I have worked on my need to be right a lot over the years and it is much better. It does seem though that I still have work to do.
I was reading in my teachers manual for Skills for Living this morning and came across a page talking about the power of words. I would like to share it with you. It sure helped me to become more aware of what is coming out of my mouth and how I can teach my children through improving my example.
" What you say is what you get. As our thoughts affect our circumstance, so do the words we say. Our words build our attitude and they determine what we will attract and experience.
]When we get serious about being happy, we stand guard over our mouth. We choose to speak positively about ourselves and avoid running ourselves down. This is not to pretend that we are perfect, but is a part of realizing that you can't feel good about yourself by grizzling about yourself, your job, your friends and family and everyone else about you.
A fellow once said, " I 'm so tired of being miserable and depressed. I am tired of being a burden to my family. I want to be happy! How do I do it? " The first thing you can do is to open your mouth only when you have something positive and constructive to say. You will appreciate the change and so will your family! It is very simple.
When anybody has really, really had enough of being miserable, they change their attitude. They change the way they talk. It takes discipline, it take effort, but it is still very simple. To discipline what we allow ourselves to think and say required us to be different from the crowd. Excellence always does.
Some may adopt the attitude; " I'll do anything to be happier so long as I don't have to change anything about myself. "
Skill for Life Advanced Manual
I was thinking of how this applied to me and my family. My kids don't really talk bad about themselves but it shows it's self more in there need to correct someone when they are wrong. If one of them makes a statement the other is sure is wrong they will engage in a " I know more then you" way of talking. Through their words they have created a competitive and contentious relationship. The words we us to communicate do create our relationships as much as the actions we take. I will think about how I can be better example of speaking positive and also come up with something to help them be aware of their pattern of negative speaking and see if we can change the direction of the communication in our home together. I urge you to look at your relationships and notice your words about it and the words you us to talk to the other person. Are they mean, impatient and judgmental? or are they uplifting, healthy and kind? Which do you want to feed?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Harmony and Rhythm: The 7th Principle.
The final and last principle in the Life Skills is Harmony and Rhythm. Our lives and bodies have their own unique rhythm. In order for our lives to experience complete harmony we can learn to be aware of our special rhythm and allow ourselves to follow it. If you were to pay attention I think you would notice that when your life feels out of balance and harmony you are not following your true rhythm. For some it would be trying to be in rhythm with someone else. For others it would be giving in to their own unrealistic thoughts of how they "should" be.
It is important for us to slow down enough in life to know what our true rhythm is.
Here are some thoughts from the Life Skills Manual on taking time for ourselves.
" Nature always takes her time. Great oaks don't become great overnight. They also lose a lot of leaves, branches and bark in the process of becoming great. Diamonds aren't formed in a week either. Everything of value, of beauty, of majesty in the universe took time to become so.
So it will be with our own growth and development. Let us recognize the way things work down here, and so be gentler on us when assessing our own progress. It takes time to build confidence, to build a healthy body or positive outlook. It takes time to build a business of value or to create our own financial independence. In the real world there are very few instant, overnight successes.
As sure as the earth revolves around the sun and winter follows spring, so must our life move in cycles. So there will always be easy times and there will be hard times, as sure as one season follows another. One of the great challenges of life is dealing with the winter while you are waiting for things to get better. Things will get better. They always do. The trouble is that many people give up and go home too early. The tide will always turn.
Nature has a rest from time to time. The soil needs a rest, bears and snakes hibernate; even fish sleep with their eyes open. We can learn from this approach. We need to take time out; to rest, to review, to ponder, to be. "
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