Monday, August 30, 2010

Perception: The Truth Changes Depending on Where YOU are Standing.

" Perception is our beliefs based on our experience. The way we perceive our present-day world is based on how our world has been perceived in the past, and the meanings we put on those experiences are based on that perception.
There is no right or wrong in perception. Perception simply "is"! It is made up of illusion and reality. Illusion is defined as anything that is temporary in nature, that was thought up by man, and had a perception placed on it. When two or more people agree on this illusion, it then becomes their reality.
Perception can make whatever picture the mind desires. This is especially important to remember in the way you perceive others. Whenever we judge anyone, we are really judging those aspects in our self."
" We are influenced more by what we think is so than what actually is so. Our perceptions of reality do more to govern our behavior than reality itself. When we learn to pay attention, we create the opportunity to switch from reacting to acting. "
" Perceptions form the basis of our opinions, our position in an argument, the quality of our relationships, our feelings, and even our quality of life. Just because we experience the world in a certain way does not mean the world actually exists that way. Paying attention to our perceptions is instrumental in making positive life changes. By perceiving our experiences differently, we tend to think, feel and do things differently."
" disagreements between individuals occur as each relies on his or her own perceptions of reality while locking out other options.
Experience results from our perceptions, which are filtered through such factors as our history, culture, values, desire, education, and awareness. Given our perceptions and filtering system, we begin to have a clearer understanding of why people struggle with understanding reality.
Changing perspective, or viewing the (situation) from a different view, enables us to discover something that now appears strikingly obvious. "Reframing" is the process of viewing the same situation from different perspectives and can be a powerful tool for enhancing awareness. Life experiences, whether at work or home, present many reframing opportunities.
We can discover a whole new world when we are open to the learning. When we are willing to move off our position, and be receptive to viewing things from a different perspective, our perception of our world will be different."

When studied and accepted this is the most powerful principle. Nothing has changed my life for the better then the principle that everything I see may not be as I see. I have learned to say often. I could be wrong and then look for the others person perspective and beliefs in the situation.
Practice this week noticing your perceptions and beliefs about the situation and then step back and find another truth.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Principle 1 : The Power of Thought. Choose a Direction

There are 7 principles to help you understand and apply the Law of Attraction. The first of these 7 is the principle of thought and how it directs our lives.

Think for a moment. Everything starts with a thought. Your home was first a thought in someone's mind. Your car started out in the mind of a designer or engineer. Everything that exists in the present moment was first a thought.
Thinking is a creative force. We are always thinking. There is never a second when we are otherwise engaged. Even in sleep or unconsciousness we are thinking; muscles require sleep, yet thought processes require no rest.
Some thoughts create corporeally, others die in the realm of thought. Some thoughts are meant to be created in our world and others are meant to remain thoughts only. Our thoughts reside in a realm that is free of the limitations of this world; that is, we are free to think anything we wish, we can also choose what you will think.
We control our reality by controlling our thoughts. Our world is exactly as we have created it. Dr. Deepak Chopra refers to the space between each thought as " The realm of infinite possibilities."
All thoughts are creative. "
" The principle of thought is; all thought is creative. We are creating our world at this very instant. It is precisely as we think it is, and the moment we take responsibility for our world will be the moment we take control of our world!"
" Thought is the principle that puts all other principles in motion. Nothing happens without thought.
All our worries, woes, troubles, enemies, poverty, and griefs have all been created by us. Though we may point the finger of blame ( projection) at someone else, we are doing the thinking in our own world. Perhaps it is time we took responsibility for our thoughts and change our thinking!"
" We can start by realizing that our thoughts are free. We may think any thought we want to think at any point in time. We can choose to imagine our world as perfect, just the way we want it to be: safe, exciting, challenging, successful, warm, comfortable, peaceful, full of friends and loved ones. We can, if we wish, think of our enemy as a friend in our thoughts. We can see our marriage as perfect in our thoughts.
We can imagine getting a raise, driving a new car, buying a new house, or boat. We can imagine anything - without limits. We can choose to imagine life as we would like it to be and than practice focusing our thoughts on that image. Act as if or "Be" the part.
To focus thoughts, remember that all thoughts are energy. Energy vibrates at various leves of intensity and frequency. Spiritual thought vibrates at a much higher frequency than does temporal, earthly, three-dimensional energy. In order for us to slow spiritual thought frequency down to manifest into our three-dimensional world, we must hold the thought until it manifest.
As we put energy focus into the thought, it becomes manifest in our three - dimensional world of substance. Most of the time, however, we send out thought vibrations in many directions at once, negating the effect of focusing. Therefore, our desired thoughts never take form in this dimension and we feel frustrated. You are probably familiar with the feeling of working hard at something just to see it fall apart. Maybe it was a relationship or a project at work. It seems, at times, no matter what the work is or how hard we work, our expected outcome will fail to manifest.
Traumatic memories are something else that can stand in the way of focusing thought. When positive thoughts are negated with traumas, the result is frustration. It is possible, however, to clear out the traumatic memories in the realm of thought...
The RET process works in the realm of thought. We work with the thoughts, rather than corporeal reality. RET is another way to clear neural distortions.
Truth is positive. Truth is forgiveness and love. It is knowing we are loved and worthwhile. We can free ourselves of the bonds of guilt and fear, see our great worth, let go of guilt and learn to control our thoughts. When we identify with the power of our own thoughts, there is nothing we are unable to do, no obstacles we will be unable to overcome. Faith is this power. It can literally move mountains in thought and in our lives. If we fail to change our thinking, the mountains remain. "
RET Life Skills Manual