Thursday, March 27, 2008

Creating Your Future With Your Past and Present

Choose Your Steps With Intention

I have been lately reflecting on the choices that we make in life that seem to be without much consequences. I can look back on my life and see some of the seemingly smallest choices I have made in life have led me down the some of the most life changing paths. It is important that we are aware that we are always at choice and with the choices we are making now, not matter how small they seem we are creating our future. Becoming aware of the ability to create our own present and future is key to our happiness in life. In recognizing our ability to create our own life we are no longer victims and feel empowered, as we should to create peace and happiness in life. It all comes from what is within our own selves. Become aware of what is inside of you and begin now to create peace and acceptance within you own mind and watch it naturally unfold in your outside world.

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